Saturday 29 September 2012

Lightning Ridge - Shepparton

Lightning Ridge – Shepparton (September 19th – 24th)

Trip finished - 16 848kms.
We are finally home.
We had a quick trip home (our longest days of driving for the whole trip) with just a couple of overnight stops. Both from the free camps book - our first one was at Terramungamine Reserve near Dubbo and the second beside the oval at the Nerrandera Boat Ramp. We’ve been through both of these places numerous times before without realizing it was possible to free camp there! Our drive through this area of New South Wales let us know that Spring has arrived as we had to drive through thousands of hectares of very yellow canola – time for the antihistamines!!!!
We made a lunch stop at West Wyalong to visit Sonja’s aunt and uncle before heading back into Victoria and spending our first night back in the state at Dunolly. We have made a note not to do this again! We had forgotten the trains that go through the town at around 3am! Taking Tom Tom’s directions to Ballarat, we followed lots of narrow, country roads through areas we hadn’t travelled before. It was interesting to pass through a number of small country towns – reminding us a little of some of the smaller out of the way places we had travelled when we did our US trip.
After spending a couple of days catching up with Claire (and collecting four months mail!) we finally arrived home after 16848kms.
A bit of a disappointment when we arrived. The next door neighbour’s son was going to mow the lawns while we were away – didn’t happen (Will pay a professional next time).
We had forgotten to leave a car key for the Elantra with someone and consequently had to replace the battery. The dishwasher decided it wasn’t going to work (repair next week) and the toilet decided to leak from one of the seals (silicon sealant is great)!
The caravan is booked in for a service in a couple of weeks and has now been cleaned inside and out (discovered it IS white, not pink and red!), the lawns mowed, the car doesn’t know itself – no towing and had a good clean inside and out as well.
We are now looking forward to the rest of the year and catching up with everyone. We are also thinking very seriously about where we will go NEXT year.
Thank you to all who have followed our travels. We’ve obviously enjoyed ourselves and hope you have as well. Best wishes to all…until next time!

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